The purpose of this ministry is to warmly greet people -- with a smile, and handshake or hug -- as they enter church. The purpose is to welcome all parishioners to the Liturgy of the Mass and be happy to see them in church.
Duties for this ministry:
Mark your calendar with the dates you are scheduled to serve.
Arrive at Mass one-half hour before Mass.
Wear name tag.
Station two or three greeters at each entrance to the Sanctuary.
Smile and shake hands or share a hug, when greeting people before Mass.
Say "Good morning" before the morning Masses and "Good Evening" before the 5pm Mass.
Distribute song sheets when necessary.
Be seated in a pew of your choosing.
Stand at the doorways and invite people to join us when coffee and rolls are offered after Mass.
Remove name tag after serving and store in the Ushers' Room.
Do not take name tag home.
If unable to serve, find a substitute before Mass.
Skills, abilities, and gifts desired to serve in this ministry:
Welcoming to children and adults alike
Contact information for the ministry leader: Name: Ruth Long Home Phone:
General meeting days and times for this ministry: As scheduled: